Oakridge Equine Hospital

6675 E Waterloo Rd Edmond, OK 73034 https://oakridgevet.com/ (405) 359-5002 Mail@oakridgevet.com Our board certified surgeons Dr. Michael Major, Dr. Chad Zubrod, Dr. Jeff Brakenhoff and Dr. Lauren Lamb, and our large animal medicine resident, Dr. Devon England, provide expert care in all areas of equine medicine, lameness, respiratory surgery, sports medicine, orthopedics, emergency abdominal procedures […] read more >

Great Plains Veterinary

120 W. State Highway 66 Arcadia, OK 73007 (405) 396-5047 https://greatplainsvet.com/ read more >

Equine Medical Associates

2625 W I-35 Frontage Rd Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 348-3130 https://www.emaokc.com/ read more >

Esophageal Choke In Horses:

Signs, Causes, Treatment & Prevention WRITTEN BY: Grace Owen, DVM Equine Medical Associates | Edmond Choke in horses refers to an esophageal blockage that is usually caused by food material. It is most common in older horses with poor dentition but can occur in any age category. Unlike humans, when a horse is choked, it […] read more >

Equine Foraging Behavior:

Does it matter to you? By Dr. Kris Hiney Equine Extension Specialist | Oklahoma State University The best environments for horses are those that most closely mimic their natural state. Grazing fresh pasture and continual turn out offer the horse freedom of movement, mental stimulation and natural feeding behavior. Continuous intake of smaller meals fits […] read more >

OklahomaHorses DVM Feature

The Essential Work of DVMs There’s no question the veterinary workforce is essential. The industry provides medical care for household pets, service and therapy animals and issues certificates of veterinary inspection required for the movement of animals between states and countries, including those entering the food supply. If you didn’t already appreciate the importance of your veterinary […] read more >

Neurologic Diseases in Horses:

Early detection for better outcomes Written By Grace Owen, DVM Equine Medical Associates Edmond, OK Neurologic diseases in horses affect the central nervous system (CNS). They can sometimes be difficult to diagnose as many of them carry similar clinical signs. Some of these symptoms can be especially scary for horse owners as they involve varying […] read more >

Cribbing: the End of the World or Behavioral Quirk?

Written By Dr. Kris Hiney Equine Extension Specialist Oklahoma State University You see your pride and joy grasp a board rail with his upper incisors, arch his neck and inhale loudly. Your heart drops. You now have a cribber. Will he teach it to others, destroy your property or immediately decline in value? While cribbing […] read more >

Equine Emergencies:

Planning for the Unexpected BY Grace Owen, DVM Equine Medical Associates Edmond, OK Being a horse owner is a huge responsibility. Accommodating the daily needs of your horse is easy to plan for. You know he will need a certain diet, hoof care and routine veterinary care. But what about the unexpected? What I have […] read more >


OklahomaHorses Magazine and its companion website OklahomaHorsesMagazine.com provide Oklahoma horse enthusiasts with the perspectives of a bi-monthly magazine, the interactive, up-to-the-minute insights of a statewide news source, and the humane conscience and social media involvement of the Oklahoma horse community. Only here will you find a one-step resource for local horse products, services and events as well as adoption and care information. All of it is sprinkled with lots of pictures of Oklahoma horses and their riders!